Painting can be a great hobby. If you have that artistic bent of mind and love to splash colors on paper, you are at the right place now!
Well, you like painting. But you don't know where to start- what to paint and how to paint. More importantly, you don't know what to do with those paintings.
Once you have learnt how to paint and are able to reproduce on paper what you have in mind, you are almost ready to embark into painting as a hobby.
Paintings are good pieces for home and office decors these days. All sizes of paintings, once they are well framed decorate the walls, giving them a fresh, new look. For this reason, paintings make excellent choices for gifts. The best part here is, paintings are very customizable. They can be made to suit every occasion, be it marriage, birthday, farewell, welcome parties, to name a few.
Framing your paintings is one important activity. Framed paintings look all the more elegant for decoration purposes. By framing, you can ensure that your art work is well preserved, exhibitable and damage free. The price of framing varies according to size, type of framing, i.e with/ without mounting (mounting is the additional plain space around your painting inside the frame, or inner wide plain border at the centre of which, sits your painting), frame type (plain frame or any fancy worked frames) etc.
If you think framing is bit of a costly affair for a beginner like you, you may preserve your paintings by getting them laminated.
Once you start making more paintings, you may showcase them in a gallery, or make an album of them or sell your work to people.
Either way, painting is a hobby that is highly potent to promote self satisfaction and to even generate revenue.